Most companies in Ghana are still supplied with obsolete engine oil because they either don’t know what’s current from API(American Petroleum Institute) or don’t understand the rich benefits and cost savings in using current approved quality oil. In the world of diesel engine oils, CK-4 rules in quality and is compatible with previous classifications so if you are being supplied with CJ, CI, CH, CG, CF, CE, CD, CC, CB, CA, you are behind.
At Dutylex, all our diesel engine oils are CK-4 made possible by PetroCanada and Mobil which guarantees higher efficiencies and productivity, less unscheduled downtimes hence increased uptimes, lower maintenance cost, fewer machine parts replacement, reduced lubricant consumption etc.. www.dutylex.comhashtag#dutylexhashtag#PetroCanadahashtag#mobil